Publications | The Institute of Archaeology


Publications by the members of the Computational Archaeology Labratory

  • Dubinsky, L., David, M. & Grosman, L. Recognizing technique variation in rock engravings: ArchCUT3-D for micromorphological analysis. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 316 (2023).
  • Goren-Inbar, N., A. Belfer-Cohen, L. Grosman, G. Herzlinger, and A. Agam. 2022. Kaizer Hill (Modi‘in), a pre-pottery Neolithic quarry site – the terraced slopes. PLOS ONE 17 (3):e0265727.
  • Grosman, L., A. Muller, I. Dag, H. Goldgeier, O. Harush, G. Herzlinger, K. Nebenhaus, F. Valletta, T. Yashuv, and N. Dick. 2022. Artifact3-D: New software for accurate, objective and efficient 3D analysis and documentation of archaeological artifacts. PLOS ONE 17 (6):e0268401.
  • Muller, A., R. Barkai, M. Shemer, and L. Grosman. 2022. 3D morphology of handaxes from late Acheulean Jaljulia: a flexible reduction strategy in the Lower Paleolithic Levant. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14(206):1-20.
  • Yashuv, T., and L. Grosman. 2022. Drilling tools at the end of the Natufian – Suggesting a technological innovation In Tracks of the Near Eastern Neolithic: Lithic perspectives on its origins, development and dispersals, edited by Y. Nishiaki, O. Maeda and M. Arimura. Leiden: Sidestone Press: 17-32.
  • Harush, O, and L. Grosman. 2021. Toward the identification of social signatures in ceramic production – An archaeological case study. PLOS ONE 16 (7):e0254766.
  • Valletta, F., and L. Grosman. 2021. Local Technological Traditions in the Early and Middle Epipaleolithic of Ein Gev Area. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 4 (2):10.
  • Valletta, F, I. Dag, and L. Grosman. 2021. Identifying Local Learning Communities During the Terminal Palaeolithic in the Southern Levant: Multi-scale 3-D Analysis of Flint Cores. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 4 (1):145–168.
  • Harush, O., T. Yashuv, L. Dubinsky, F. Valleta, and L. Grosman. 2020. Quantitative Methods for the Study of Ancient Technologies In Digital Archaeology: New research and Advanced Technologies. Edited by M. Birkenfeld and Y. Garfinkel. The Hebrew University and Israel Antiquity Authority, Jerusalem. (In Hebrew).
  • Harush, O., Roux, V., Karasik, A. and Grosman, L. 2020. Social Signatures in Standardized Ceramic Production – A 3-D Approach to Ethnographic Data. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 60: 101208.
  • Karasik, A., O. Harush, and U. Smilansky. 2020. The Morphology of Iron Age Storage Jars and Its Relation to the Handbreadth Measure (The Biblical Tefach). BASOR 384. doi 10.1086/710529.
  • Valletta, F., U. Smilansky, A. N. Goring-Morris, and L. Grosman. 2020. On Measuring the Mean Cutting-Edge Angle of Lithic Tools Based on 3-D models – A Case Study from the Southern Levantine Epipalaeolithic. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.12 (2):49.
  • Harush, O., N. Glauber, A. Zoran, and L. Grosman. 2019. On Quantifying and Visualizing the Potter’s Personal Style. Journal of Archaeological Science 108:104973.
  • Herzlinger, G., and L. Grosman. 2018. AGMT3-D: A Software for 3-D Landmarks-Based Geometric Morphometric Shape Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts. PLoS ONE 13 (11):e0207890.
  • Herzlinger, G., N. Goren-Inbar, and L. Grosman, L., 2017. A New Method for 3D Geometric Morphometric Shape Analysis: The Case Study of Handaxe Knapping Skill. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14:163-173.
  • Sharon G., A. Barash, D. Eisenberg-Degen, L. Grosman, M. Oron, and U. Berger. 2017. Monumental Megalithic Burial and Rock Art Tell a New Story About the Levant Intermediate Bronze “Dark Ages”. PLoS ONE 12 (3), e0172969.
  • Grosman L., 2016. Reaching the Point of No Return: Computation Revolution in Archaeology. Annual Review of Anthropology 45 (1):129-145.
  • Grosman, L., A. Ovadia, and A. Bogdanovsky. 2014. Neolithic Masks in a Digital World. In: Face to Face. Edited by D. Hershman: 54-57. Israel Museum Catalogue, Jerusalem.
  • Grosman L., A. Karasik, O. Harush, and U. Smilansky. 2014. Archaeology in Three Dimensions. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage studies (JEMAHS) 2:48-64.
  • Karasik, A., Z. Greenhut, J. Uziel, N. Szanton, L. Grosman, I. Zandbank, and U. Smilansky. 2014. Documentation and Analyses on the National Scale at the Israel Antiquities Authority: The Story of One (Broken) Sherd. Near Eastern Archaeology 77 (3): 214-218.
  • Zaidner Y., and L. Grosman. 2014. Middle Palaeolithic Scrapers were Resharped or Recycled? A view from Nesher Ramla, Israel. Quaternary International 361: 178-187. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2014.11.037.
  • Gandon, E., R. J. Bootsma, J. A. Endler, and L. Grosman. 2013. How Can Ten Fingers Shape a Pot? Evidence for Equivalent Function in Culturally Distinct Motor Skills.  PLoS ONE 8(11):e81614. 
  • Mendel A., and L. Grosman. 2013. Unpublished Hebrew and other Northwest Semitic inscriptions from Samaria studied with a 3-dimensional imaging technology. KUSATU (Kleine Untersuchungen zur Sprache des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt) 15:171-188. 
  • Grosman, L., A. Karasik, and U. Smilansky. 2012. Archaeology in 3-D: new computational methods in Archaeology. Qadmoniot 144:106-114 (In Hebrew).
  • Goren-Inbar, N., L. Grosman, and G. Sharon. 2011. The technology and significance of the Acheulian giant cores of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science 38:1901-1917.
  • Grosman, L., G. Sharon, T. Goldman-Neuman and U. Smilansky. 2011. 3D Modeling – New Method for Quantifying Post-depositional Damages. In: SCCH 2009 Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage. Eds. M. Winckler and G. Bock: 1-22. Springer, Berlin.
  • Grosman, L., G. Sharon, T. Goldman-Neuman, O. Smikt and U. Smilansky. 2011. Studying post depositional damage on Acheulian bifaces using 3-D scanning. Journal of Human Evolution 60(4):398-406.
  • Grosman, L., Y. Goldsmith, and U. Smilansky. 2011.  Morphological Analysis of Nahal Zihor Handaxes: A Chronological Perspective. PaleoAnthropology 2011: 203−215.
  • Malinsky-Buller, A., L. Grosman, and O. Marder. 2011. A Case of Techno-Typological Lithic Variability & Continuity in the Late Lower Palaeolithic. Before Farming 2011/1 article 3.
  • Grosman, L., O. Smikt, and U. Smilansky. 2008. On the Application of 3-D Scanning Technology for the Documentation and Typology of Lithic Artifacts. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 3101–3110.
  • Karasik, A., and Smilansky U., 2008. 3D Scanning Technology as a Standard Archaeological Tool for Pottery Analysis: Practice and Theory, Journal of Archaeological Science 35(5):1148-1168
  • Saragusti, I. Karasik, A., Sharon, I. & Smilansky U. 2005. Quantitative analysis of Shape Attributes Based on Contours and Section Profiles in Artifact Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 32(6):841-853.
  • Gilboa, A., Karasik, A. Sharon, I. & Smilansky U. 2004. Towards Computerized Typology and Classification of Ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science 31(6):681-694.