The Institute publishes the Qedem Series (edited by Sue Grodetsky until 2013 and by Nava Panitz-Cohen from 2014).  

These monographs are the main venue of publication for reports on the Institute’s excavations and their finds.

The volumes are published in English and appear in three formats: Qedem, Qedem Reports and Qedem Dig.

In addition to Qedem, research conducted by the Institute’s faculty and advanced students are published in books and peer-reviewed international journals.

To order the Qedem and Qedem Report volumes, please contact: 

Israel Exploration Society

P.O.B. 7041

Jerusalem 9107001, Israel

Tel.: 972-2-6257991

Fax: 972-2-6247772





OFER BAR-YOSEF and PHILLIPS, JAMES L. . 1977. “Qedem 7”.


This volume summarizes the emergency surveys and excavations conducted in 1970-1976 in the Gebel Maghara section of northern Sinai, an area whose prehistory was previously virtually unknown. Primary attention is devoted to the Upper Paleolithic, Epi-Paleolithic, and Neolithic occurrences and industries. Studies on the environment (past and present), radiocarbon dating, and Middle Bronze Age I finds are also included.

Price: $24
Last updated on 11/28/2018