Zeev Weiss is the Eleazar L. Sukenik Professor of Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Trained in Classical Archaeology, he specializes in Roman and Late Antique art and architecture in the provinces of Syria-Palestine. His interests lie in various aspects of town-planning, architectural design, mosaic art, synagogues, Jewish art, as well as the evaluation of archaeological finds in light of the socio-cultural behavior of Jewish society and its dialogue with Graeco-Roman and Christian cultures. As Director of the Sepphoris excavations on behalf of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem since 1990, his work has contributed greatly to the understanding of the architectural development and character of the city throughout its history. Weiss has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (IAS), Princeton University, and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University. He has published many articles as well as two major volumes: The Sepphoris Synagogue: Deciphering an Ancient Message through Its Archaeological and Socio-Historical Contexts (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2005) and Public Spectacles in Roman and Late Antique Palestine (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014). Weiss is currently working on his next book, Sepphoris: A Mosaic of Cultures, which will offer an unprecedented perspective of the socio-cultural history of this Galilean city and will serve as an essential reference for future study of the multifaceted life of Jewish society in late antiquity.
Rsearch Interests:
- Roman and Byzantine art and architecture in the Syro-Palestinian provinces
- Mosaic art
- Synagogues in ancient Palestine
- Jewish societyand its dialogue with Graeco-Roman and Christian cultures
- Analysis of archaeological finds in light of Rabbinic literature
Introductry courses of Classical Archaeology, and additional courses of Roman and Byzantine Archaeology. Emphasis on architectural finds, artistic and literary sources.
Ongoing Projects:
- Zippori (Sepphoris) excavations
- The Christianization of the Cities of the Galilee: Socio-Cultural, Religious,and Political Changes in Times of of Shifting Borders (Funding: ISF).
See list of publications here
Graduate Students:
- Avener Ecker (graduated 2010)
- Rebecca Eisenstadt (current)
- Rona Evyasaf (current)
- Adi Fenster (current)
- Chen Hovers (graduated 2015)
- Ron Kehati (graduated 2010)
- Daniel Leviatan (graduated 2018)
- Alex Melamed (current)
- Shulamit Miller (graduated 2011)
- Yuval Peleg (graduated 2006)
- Debbi Sandhaus-Re'em (graduated 2014)
- Naama Sharabi (graduated 2013)
- Maya Sherman (graduated 2013)
- Hillel Silberklang (current)
- Mordechai Wolfson (current)
PhD Students:
- Dr. Benny Aroubas (graduated 2019)
- Dr. Rivka Ben-Sasson (graduated 2013)
- Dr. Gabi Bijovsky (graduated 2011; currently at the IAA)
- Dr. Yunus Demirci (graduated 2019)
- Dr. Avener Ecker (graduated 2017; currently at Bar Ilan University)
- Dr. Shulamit Miller (graduated 2019)
- Miri Pines (current)
- Amit Re'em (current; currently at the IAA)
- Dr. Lior Sandberg (graduated 2018)
- Hadas Shambadal (current)
- Dr. Na'ama Vilozny (graduated 2010)
- Pablo Betzer (current; currently at the IAA )
- Dr. Yonatan Adler (2012-2014; currently at Ariel University)
- Dr. Oren Gutfeld (2010-2011)
- Prof. Uzi Leibner (2006-2007; Professor at the Archaeology department at the Hebrew University)
- Dr. Itamar Taxel (2014-2016; currently at the IAA)