Ph.D. Dissertation topic: Phoenicia under Neo-Assyrian rule: an Archaeological Investigation of Southern Phoenicia
Advisors: Prof. Ilan Sharon and Prof. Ayelet Gilboa (University of Haifa)
Abstract: My research focuses on Phoenicia in the Neo-Assyrian period, the time after Tiglath-Pileser III campaigned to the Southern Levant. Questions about the Assyrian occupation of the Southern Phoenician littoral and its influence on the coastal cities and their hinterland over time will be investigated. Analysis of ceramic assemblages from different sites will create a more accurate chronological and typological framework for the period under investigation. The research will thus provide a contribution to the understanding of the demographics and socio-economic environment of Phoenicia in the Neo-Assyrian period. It might serve as a base for further archaeological and textual research.
- Tel Dor excavation project (since 2017)
- Excavations at Tel Dor (2018), led by Prof. I. Sharon (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Excavations at Khirbet el-Rai (2018-2020), led by Prof. Y. Garfinkel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Excavations at Tell Beit Mirsim (2021), led by Dr. Igor Kreimerman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Excavations at Tel Esur (2018, 2020-2022), led by Dr. S. Bar (University of Haifa)
- Excavations at Pazael (2022), led by Dr. S. Bar (University of Haifa)
- Excavations at Tel Hazor (2022), led by Prof. Amnon Ben-Tor and Dr. Igor Kreimerman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Torn Broers, P. 2022. A Late Bronze Age Gold Bull Head Pendant from Tel Dor. In: N.Yahalom-Mack, U. Davidovich and S. Matskevich (eds.) Material, Method, and Meaning: Papers in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology in Honor of Ilan Sharon. Helsinki: Zaphon. Pp. 161-175.
Kreimerman, I., Torn Broers, P., Weissbein, I., and Naveh, O. 2022. Back to Tell Beit Mirsim: First Results of the Renewed Excavations. In: A. Golani, D. Varga, Y, Tchekhanovets and M. Birkenfeld (eds.), Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel, 18th Annual Conference (Vol. 5). Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Pp. 141-155. [Hebrew]
Kreimerman, I., Weissbein, I., Torn Broers, P., and Naveh, O. Accepted. In the Footsteps of Albright: The Renewed Excavations at Tell Beit Mirsim. Near Eastern Archaeology.