Pablo Betzer

Ph.D. Dissertation topic: Burial in the Negev during the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods

Advisor: Prof. Ze'ev Weiss

Abstract: Despite the large amount of material accumulated for more than a hundred years of research in the Negev, no comprehensive research has been prepared to date on the issue of burials in this region.

One of the goals of the present research is to compare the different types of burials used in the Negev in classical times (sist graves, burial caves, burial structures) with those from other areas in the country. With the help of surveys, I would like to check where were the classical cemeteries located in relation to the settlements, and whether it is possible to determine if distinct layout patterns indicate chronological or regional differences. Using GIS tools I will try to use the cemeteries spreading patterns in order to define both the settlements borders and the roads that led to them. The analysis of finds from the graves will help in answering weighty questions related to dating, religion, socio-economic level, daily life of the nearby settlement, etc.

The discussion of these issues will allow me to characterize the burials in the Negev in regional, architectural and cultural aspects, and through it to draw a reliable picture of the daily life of the inhabitants of this region, their origin, their beliefs and their relationship with the settled regions. Also, this research may contribute to a better understanding of the settlement processes in this arid region between the 2nd century BCE and the 7th century CE.


  • Beit Lehi Regional Project
  • Yavne East


  1. Betzer P. 2010. Beqo‘a, Survey. ESI 122
  2. Betzer P. 2010. Horbat Zanoah (North), Survey. ESI 122
  3. Betzer P. 2010. Zanoah, Quarry Survey. ESI 122
  4. Betzer P. 2010. Khirbat esh-Sheikh Ghazi. ESI 122
  5. Betzer P. 2010. Tel Zor‘a (North). ESI 122.
  6. Betzer P. 2010. Khirbat Bir el-‘Idd. ESI 122
  7. Betzer P. 2011. En Sarig. ESI 123
  8. Betzer P. 2011. Horbat Buz. ESI 123
  9. Betzer P. 2012. Horevot Sokho, Ela Valley Survey. ESI 124
  10. Betzer P. 2012. Bet Shemesh (West), Survey. ESI 124
  11. Betzer P. 2014. Deir Rafat (East). ESI 126
  12. Betzer P. 2017. ʽEn ʽAminadav. ESI 129
  13. Ariel D.T., Marco E. and Betzer P. 2018. A Hoard of First Jewish Revolt Coins Found near Ḥorbat Mazruq (Abu Ghosh). Strata 36: 77-101
  14. Ecker A., Betzer P. and Di Segni L. 2021. Four New Burial Inscriptions and a Survey of the Nessana Necropolis. Liber Annus 71: 425-440
  15. Betzer P. 2021. Nessana Necropoleis – An Aerial and Ground Survey of Byzantine Era Cemeteries in the Israeli Negev. Antiguo Oriente Vol.19: 277-300.  
  16. Betzer P. The Necropolis of Tiberias in the Roman and Byzantine Periods. Qadmoniot 162: 85-90 (Heb.)
  17. Peretz A. and Betzer P. 2022. A Hospital, Tents and Graves:`Uja el Hafir in the First World War. In A. Golani, D. Varga, Y. Tchekhanovets and M. Birkenfeld. Archaeological Excavations and Research in the Southern Israel. 18 th. Annual Conference. Jerusalem (Heb.)
  18. Betzer P. 2022. Kefar Uriyya. ESI 134
  19. Abadi-Reiss Y., Betzer P and Varga D. 2022. Tel Yavne, Area J. ESI 134
  20. Varga D. Betzer P. and Weingarten Y. 2022. Tel Yavne, Area M1. ESI 134  
  21. Haber M., Gutfeld, O. and Betzer, P. 2022. A Monumental Hellenistic-Period Ritual Compound in Upper Idumea: New Findings from Ḥorbat ʿAmuda. In Hensel, B., Ben Zvi, E. and Edelman, D. (eds). About Idumea and Edom in the Persian and Early-Hellenistic Periods: Recent Research and Approaches (Worlds of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean).  Equinox: Sheffield: 230-249.
  22. Gurin-Rozen Y., Betzer P., Varga D. and Shatil A. 2022. Glass Production at Yavne, First Impressions from Area L. In Haddad E., Nadav-Ziv L., Seligman J., Varga D., Betzer P., Shadman A., Tal O., and Tepper Y. Yavne and Its Secrets: Collected Papers: 143- 160 (Heb.)
  23. Jakoel E., Nagorsky A., Betzer P. and Varga D. 2022. "May My Coffin be Perforated to the Earth" (JT, Ketubot 12.3.3): Roman Period Cemeteries at Yavne. In Haddad E., Nadav-Ziv L., Seligman J., Varga D., Betzer P., Shadman A., Tal O., and Tepper Y. Yavne and Its Secrets: Collected Papers:161- 183 (Heb.)
  24. Ustinova Y., Betzer P. and Varga D. 2022. A New Inscribed Sling Bullet from Iamnia (Yavne). In Haddad E., Nadav-Ziv L., Seligman J., Varga D., Betzer P., Shadman A., Tal O., and Tepper Y. Yavne and Its Secrets: Collected Papers: 111- 123 (Heb.)
  25. Perry-Gal L., Betzer P. and Varga D. 2022. Preliminary Insights on the Economy and Industry of Yavne in the Roman Period: A Zooarchaeological View. In Haddad E., Nadav-Ziv L., Seligman J., Varga D., Betzer P., Shadman A., Tal O., and Tepper Y. Yavne and Its Secrets: Collected Papers: 125- 142 (Heb.)
  26. Nadav-Ziv L., Haddad E., Seligman J., Varga D. and Betzer P. 2022. Ancient Yavne: Preliminary Finds from the Extensive Excavations at the Foot of Tel Yavne. In Haddad E., Nadav-Ziv L., Seligman J., Varga D., Betzer P., Shadman A., Tal O., and Tepper Y. Yavne and Its Secrets: Collected Papers: 19- 53 (Heb.)
  27. Ustinova, Y., Betzer, P. and Varga, D. Forthcoming. A New Inscribed Sling Bullet from Iamnia (Yavne). IEJ
  28. Abadi Reiss, Y., Betzer, P. and Varga, D. Forthcoming. Life On the Soreq Riverbank: A Chalcolithic Ghassulian Site at East Yavne. Mitekufat Haeven