Head of the ArchaeoMind Lab
Humanities Building, Room 7703.
Office Hours: By appointment
Full Professor of egyptology at the Institute of Archaeology. Head of the Archaeology of the Mind Lab. Honorary professor at Göttingen University, Germany.
Research Interests:
- Definition of the role of linguistic registers in New Kingdom texts, The classifier system of the Egyptian hieroglyphs and its parallelism to other classification systems in various languages of the world.
- The genesis of the alphabet through the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
- Semiotics of the Egyptian pictorial scripts.
- Socio-Linguistic issues in the grammar of Ramesside Egyptian,
- Hieratic and hieroglyphic inscriptions in Canaan.
- Canaanite-Egyptian relations during the Late Bronze Age.
Ongoing Projects
- "Exploring the Minds of Ancient Egypt and Ancient China — A Comparative Network Analysis of the Classifier Systems of the Scripts”, ISF grant no. 1704/22
Previous Projects
- "The Classification of Semitic Loanwords in Egyptian Script in New Kingdom Egypt", ISF grant no. 735/17, 2017-2021.
- Vice-chair, European COST Action A31 "Stability and Adaptation of Classification Systems in Cross-Cultural Perspective"