Moshe Stekelis Professor of Prehisoric Archaeology
Professor of prehistoric archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology and an International affiliate at the Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State University.
Research Interests
Plio-Pleistocene archaeology in East Africa; The Middle Paleolithic of the Levant; The evolution of symbolism and art; Lithic technology; Subsistence and mobility (land-use strategies) of early hominins; Taphonomy and site formation processes; Archaeological theory.
- Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology
- Hunter-Gatherers Decision-making Processes
- The Quaternary of Israel – The Lower and Middle Paleolithic Periods
- Hunter-Gatherer Territoriality
- Gender in Prehistory
- Site Formation Processes
- Inventions and Innovations – The Appearance and Spread of Technological Ideas
- Prehistoric Migrations and Dispersals
- Scientific Writing
- The Prehistoric Colonization of Australia and America
- Center and Periphery – The Middle Paleolithic Period in Europe
Ongoing Projects
- Hominins and their environment during the Upper Pleistocene in the Nahal Amud drainage – a micro-regional study
- Excavations in the Early Stone Age site of Melka Wakena, southeastern Ethiopia (with T. Gossa Aredo, A. Asrat, P. Renne, Elizabeth Niespolo and B. Martinez-Navarro)
- Goda Buticha, a late MSA and LSA site in southeast Ethiopia (with D. Pleurdeau, A. Leplongeon, C. Tribal, O. Pearson, Z. Assefa and A. Asrat)
- Amud Cave, Israel: excavations (1991-1994) and publication of interdisciplinary research results
- Late Pliocene archaeology in Hadar, Northern Ethiopia: excavations (1994, 2000-2002) and publication of interdisciplinary research results (with C. Feibel, B. Martinze-Navarro, T. Goldman, C. Campisano, W. Kimbel and others).
- Excavations in the Middle Paleolithic open-air site of 'Ein Qashish’ (with Ravid Ekshtain, Ariel Malinsky-Buller, and Omry Barzilai)
- Paleoclimate and cryptotephra at Hayonim Cave, western Galilee (with G. Hartman and D. White)
- Dating and paleoenvironment of Zuttieyh Cave, eastern Upper Galilee, Israel (with A. Ayalon, M. Bar-Matthews and Y. Rak)
Publication List
For the full publication list, please enter the following link
Graduate Students
M.A. students:
- Avia Hamami - current (co-advisor with Dr. David Friesem, Haifa University)
- Zvika Mintzer - current
- Chen Zeigen (graduated 2020)
- Masha Krakovsky (graduated 2017)
- Nadav Nir (graduated 2016)
- Micka Ullman (graduated 2015)
- Ariel Malinsky-Buller (graduated 2008)
- Ravid Ekshtain (graduated 2006)
- Hila Ashkenazi (graduated 2005)
- Rachel Pear (graduated 2004)
- Talia Goldman (graduated 2004)
- Nira Alperson (graduated 2001)
- Mae Goder-Goldberger (gradudated 1997)
Ph.D. students
- Anaëlle Jallon - current (co-advisor with Prof. Rivka Rabinovich, HUJI)
- Yotam Ben-Oren - current (co-adivsor with Dr. Oren Kolodny, HUJI)
- Chen Zeigen - current (co-adivosr with Prof. Gideon Hartman, UConn)
- Maya Oron - current (co-adivosr with Dr. Yoav Avni, Geolgoical Survey of Israel)
- Netta Mitki - current
- Laura Centi - (graduated 2021)
- Tegenu Gossa (graduated 2020)
- Mae Goder-Goldberger (graduated 2015)
- Ravid Ekshtain (graduated 2015)
- Ariel Malinsky-Buller (graduated 2015)
Post-doctoral Studens
- Dr. Giuseppe Briatico (Lady Davis Fellow 2023-2024)
- Dr. Tegenu Gossa Aredo (Thyssen Foundation, 2022-2023)
- Dr. Eduardo Paixao (CArEHB, Portugal)
- Dr. Ravid Ekshtain (Adjunct researcher, Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Dr. Alicia Hawkins (Laurentide University, Canada)
- Dr. Alice Leplongeon (KU, Leuven, Belgium)
- Dr. Yossi Zaidenr (Associate professor, Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Ruth Shahack-Gross (Associate Professor, Department of Maritime Civilisations, University Haifa).