Euin Choung Kim is interested in a wide range of topics encompassing the study of the Sumerian language, the socio-political frameworks of Mesopotamia, the connections between Ancient Near Eastern texts and biblical narratives, and the celestial phenomena observed within the Sumero-Akkadian world. Currently based at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, his main scholarly focus centers on surveying the 'Vase Inscriptions of Lugalzagesi' dating back to the Early Dynastic III period (ca. 2400 BCE). This inscription represents a groundbreaking milestone, as it is considered to be the earliest known recorded royal statement on religious and political ideology that survives to this day. Actively involved in two ongoing projects—the 'Sumerian-Akkadian Star-names (Planetarium Babyloniacum 2.0)' project and the 'Vase Inscriptions of Lugalzagesi (VIL)' project—Euin Choung is dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of imperial propaganda, tracing the evolution of national identity building, and exploring the fusion of religious and political themes within the Sumero-Akkadian civilizations.
Supervisor: Professor Wayne Horowitz
- "Sumerian-Akkadian Star-names (Planetarium Babyloniacum 2.0)" project in cooperation with the Israel Science Foundation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, and the Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- "The Vase Inscriptions of Lugalzagesi (VIL)" project in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient Near East at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Institute for the Global History of Civilizations at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU).
- 'Korean Association for the Ancient Near Eastern Studies (KANES)', founding academic membership.