Dept. of Prehistory. Office Hours: Wednesday 13:00-14:00
Research Interests: The evolution, spread and characteristics of Upper Palaeolithic entities, Burial customs of prehistoric societies, The transition from mobile hunter-gatherers to sedentary farmers, The evolution of human cognition.
Ongoing Projects:
- The study and publication of Upper Palaeolithic assemblages from the cave of Kebara, Mt. Carmel. These were excavated between 1981-1990 as part of an international project headed by Prof. Vandermeersch (Bordeaux, France) and Prof. Bar-Yosef (Harvard, Cambridge, USA).
- The study and publication of the Natufian assemblages from the cave of Hayonim, Galilee. Excavated between 1992-2000 as part of the aforementioned project.
- The study of the burials and graves from the Natufian layers at Hayonim Cave and Hilazon Tachtit Cave.
Excavations and study of two sites in western Georgia (a joint project with Prof. O. Bar-Yosef, Harvard, and Dr. T. Meshveliani, Georgian Academy of Science):
- The cave of Dzudzuana (an Upper Palaeolithic sequence) .
- The rock shelter Kotias Klde (late Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic occupations).
Teaching Topics:
- Models and Theories in Prehistoric Research
- The Natufian Culture and the Origins of Agriculture
- Lithic Technology and Typology
- Palaeolithic Art
- Paleoanthropology and Human Evolution
- The Human Skeleton
- The Evolution of the Human Brain
- Complex Societies
- The Meaning of Style in the Material Culture
- Upper Palaeolithic Archaeological Entities
Other Activities:
- Member of the editorial board of "Qadmoniot", published by the Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem (in Hebrew).
- Member, the scientific editorial board of "Masa Aher", Tel-Aviv (in Hebrew).
- Co-editor of the "Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society", Jerusalem (in English and French with Hebrew abstracts).
- Member of the scientific editorial board of "Paleorient" (CNRS), Paris (in French and English).
- Member of the scientific editorial board of "Journal of Eurasian Prehistory", Harvard University, Cambridge (USA) and Warsaw University (Poland).
- Member of the scientific editorial board of "Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry - International Journal", Crete, Greece.
- Member of the Steering Committee of the "International Union of Prehistory and Protohistory" - Commission VII - Upper Palaeolithic .